Sunday – October 16, 2005 – 19 Weeks
Ok, so I know this is crazy, but I’d like to take this opportunity to write out an idea about dressing the babies . . .
- Baby A = All solid Blues and yellows and stripes
- Baby B = All red and green solids and patterns
. . . this has been a highly controversial subject and frankly I think it will work itself out over time and each boy will wear whatever they wear. But for the first few weeks (and maybe months) this may be a good way to simplify things. The idea of just knowing that a certain outfit belongs to a particular baby is great in theory, but may in reality be more work than I can deal with. Because I sort all of the boys’ clothes by size I know that with so many outfits the same size coming through the laundry I would be spending a lot of extra time determining whose is whose if I had to inspect them each individually. Thus the reason I think that in a glance I can tell stripes from patterns and red from blue. The first few months will I fear be a bit of a blur and anything I can do to simplify as much as possible in order to try to enjoy the babies I will do!
Until next time . . .