Saturday – August 13, 2005
Well, I’m surviving, though I decided that being pregnant with twins is definitely double everything! Double the sickness, double the size (of my stomach), double the muscle stretching & pain, double the sinus trouble, double the heartburn! I am also sure that the pregnancy will eventually reap double the rewards, but I’m just not there yet . . . . Once I can feel them both, hear both heartbeats, see them on an ultrasound again, and eventually hold them it will all be worth it! I’m simply in the pay double phase of a twin pregnancy. I was really hoping the being nauseated part was nearly over! I’m not getting up 3 times a night anymore (usually once or not at all).
I still don’t have another Dr appointment for a little over a week. I plan to ask her about the possibility of a yeast or other infection that may be going on.
That’s it for now.