Well, here we are another Monday has come and is almost gone! I am wishing for time to slow down! Does it? No! There are days that I simply have far more to get done than there are hours in the day. I know I’m not the only one though and I’m looking forward to summer – not that I get more time, just that I seem to give myself more allowances, go figure.
I have some super fun ideas planned for all the boys and hope that it will be a fun and productive summer for us all! Of course with the ages of the little people we have around here I am a little limited and unless I come up with an amazing and yet un-thought-of bright idea I won’t be able to participate as much as I would like.
I always have the boys do some workbooks through the summer, and this summer I am planning to mainly have them do scrapbooks – with lots of journaling. This is a great way for them to capture the memories of what they are doing from their point of view. I hope to take photos of various things that they do throughout the summer for them to use in their books and then they can write about the photo and event. Some of the entries into their books will include their own drawings of the events too. This should be fun for them (and me) to do and I am looking forward to the end result. I think they will be surprised and thrilled when school starts again next fall and they have a super fun book to show for it!
We will be investigating nature, hopefully go to the Zoo one month and maybe the Aquarium another month. I don’t have it all figured out yet obviously, but I’m getting a good idea. They don’t get out of school for a few weeks yet, so I still have time to finalize my ideas.
We have a couple of birthdays thrown in too, so I have to plan a family party for two and a friend party for one. Should be interesting since most of my creativity seems to still not have returned after the twins’ birth.
Well, there’s my day/week in a nutshell! Off I go!