I read all of the books, listened to what other moms of twins had to say and still found myself learning as I went! The books were redundant, preachy even and completely irrelevant to my life. I wonder if other twin parents feel this way. There is no one way to survive twinfancy!
The subject at hand tonight is sleeping. It is not quite 8:30pm and they are down for the night. M went to sleep in his bed – a requirement during day naps, but Daddy has always liked to rock them to sleep at night. I cringe but I do not say a word! They are infants for such a short time and they were an unexpected blessing, so I will not deprive him of his last chance to cuddle babies (and he was more stressed about having more than me)! That said, I’m watching E sleeping so peacefully – angelic – on his Daddy’s chest (Daddy’s falling asleep too by the way). In a minute I will go put him to bed – if we wait too long they wake up when I put them down and we have to start all over again.
Last night they went to bed well too, but they woke up at 4am and decided it was time to play! Aaaaaaaah! They were crawling all over me talking and playing so finally we had to get up. I let them run around the living room for a little bit to get out all the heebie-jeebies. M proceeded to walk around the room talking and chattering and being loud, while E played for just a minute and then came and cuddled with me. After about a half hour of this we went back to bed. The babies went right back to sleep, but an hour later E was up again – I gave him a snack and back to sleep.
Ah how I long for the days of sleeping through the night. They were truly getting on a great schedule of sleeping through the night fairly regularly – E was a little more consistent than M, but still. I have them on a good schedule during the day. They get their meals at about the same times each day – naps are pretty consistent and they go down on their own. We just need to make the whole sleeping all night idea work. We’ll see.
Of course it would help if they were healthy a little more often. E has been sick all but about 3 weeks since the middle of November. One sinus/respiratory thing after another. This time he has it all by himself – No one else in this large family is remotely ill right now – and he’s had this latest thing for about 2 weeks. Ugh! They definitely do sleep better – more consistently when they are healthy!
That pretty much sums up their sleeping habits for right now. I’ll be writing a bit on personality within the next week or so – that should be fun, they are a HOOT!