Well, fall is officially here. I know I’ve been a little MIA lately, but with kids getting sick, me getting sick and the end of football season life has been a little nuts. In the midst of it all I have had a moment or two where I feel like my sanity is a little…well…off.
So, in my effort to stay sane, there are a few things in life that make a huge difference. Finding the beauty in everything around me (something I talked about not that long ago), and great music.
Two very simple things that are making life so enjoyable. There are some amazing songs out there that have the incredible ability to lift the spirit. Add to that the fact that the beauty of the changing colors of fall is impossible to ignore.
So today I have a question for you…when everything starts to get crazy or hectic and life starts feeling a little slanted, what do you do to maintain composure (or regain it as the case may be)?