There are times when writing flows effortlessly and fluently and all I have to do is go with it. Weaving and winding down a rocky path is my inspiration. We all have things that inspire us, for me it’s the stillness and quiet of the night after everyone else is in bed, or it’s listening to the sound of the creek outside my window or off the back deck.
For each of us, our inspiration is likely to be as different as we are, but it’s there somewhere. Do you know what inspires you most?
Today’s tip is to let inspiration find you. This is important for anyone, but if you are a blogger/writer, inspiration is absolutely vital. So, plan to write as often as possible during the times you are most likely to be inspired.
If you would like to share what inspires you, or if you have a Tuesday’s Tip of your own, please feel free to leave a comment and share. If you’re a blogger who is sharing a tip and you have written a blog post about it, be sure to link to your post so readers can visit you!