Ladies, today I’m going to challenge you with something that may be uncomfortable for some of you.
Do not parent your husband.
I could leave it at that and tell you to take what you will from it…and if that sentence is all you take away from this post, I’m great with that.
For those of you who need a little more explanation though, I’ll keep going.
It is absolutely not your job to parent, boss, reprimand or in any way try to tell your hubby how it is or how it is going to be. Especially in public.
Still with me?
It’s so important that we are respectful. Does that mean that we cannot disagree with him? Absolutely not. But how we handle it is key!
What you say and how you say it most definitely reflects to others…whether it’s your children or other people around you. You husband was created to be the leader of your home, that doesn’t mean he’s to lord over you, but to demean him is to remove that from him completely.
Some women may actually be thinking that’s a good thing, but I can promise you this…it will destroy many facets of your relationship and even your family structure. I don’t have a technical explanation or a fancy mumbo jumbo name for it, it’s just the simple truth.
Yet another one of those things that are Biblically laid out for us…those are my favorites. The kind of scriptures that tell us how to live and all we have to do is listen and things will go swimmingly.
and a quarrelsome wife is like a constant dripping (Proverbs 19:13b)
Or maybe this one…
However, each one of you also must love his wife as he loves himself, and the wife must respect her husband. (Ephesians 5:33)
Of course, I could go on and on…but I won’t. Here’s the deal though, these instructions are definitely NOT to belittle you, trap you, make you feel like the lesser mate. They are completely to protect you.
Can I just admit that when I mess up and am less than lovely to my husband I think it’s me who incurs the most damage in the end. I don’t have a husband that will degrade me or return the action at all, but the look of hurt and the knowledge of what I have just done is horrible!
Can I just encourage you to focus a bit on how you are regarding your husband this next week, especially in public and in front of your children? If you do mess up, simply ask for forgiveness (from your hubby and God) and move on.
I pray that your marriage is blessed!