Today is the anniversary of the homecoming of our boys! They had spent 2 weeks in the NICU and when I arrived that morning, I was surprised to find the room buzzing with activity. They were getting their hearing tests done and passed with flying colors. When the gal was done testing she congratulated me on going home. As of…
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The Victim Mentality
I grew up as part of one of the first generations who had the support of claiming “victim” status. If you are around 35 you know what I’m talking about – we were called generation X, no name no purpose and generally acknowledged that we’d have no future. Maybe that’s only where I grew up, a little town in the…
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My Babies are One Today!
I honestly can’t believe that they are already one year old! The year has flown and though their delivery is as clear in my mind as if it was yesterday, the first 6 months are actually a blur! I’ve been a little surprised by the intensity of emotions involved as I remember going into labor too early and how I…
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Handling Kids’ Emotions
As a mom we have a choice in how we deal with every situation and how we teach our children to handle emotions and behaviors! There is a fine line between validating our children’s feelings and teaching them to get stuck in the mire of negative emotions. We need to be careful that the “mother bear” in us is not…
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~ Twin Update ~ We are entering the walking phase with the babies! I am often reminded how very blessed we are by them! Surprises are definitely NOT a bad thing! They bring so much joy to our day – very little sleep to our nights . . . but we love them! Last week E took 3 steps and…
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Me and Health
I never write about myself, though my thoughts and feelings are the base of the posts of course! I feel like writing a bit today about some physical issues I have had over the years. This doesn’t have a lot to do with my boys, but it does affect my parenting in the sense that my mood and attitude suffer….
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New Year! (Almost)
Well, Christmas is behind us and we now look forward to 2007 which is quickly approaching. Do you make New Years’ resolutions? I’m not necessarily a huge fan of them as I find that they are all too quickly forgotten and often we “resolve” to do things that sound good but aren’t very realistic for our life. I do think…
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Christmastime Is Here
Christmas is quickly approaching, but we find ourselves behind in completing all of those last minute details. You may remember that M burned his finger 2 days after thanksgiving and it turned out that it was a very bad 2nd degree burn resulting in many trips to the dr. We even ended up seeing a hand specialist starting last week…
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What A Week
Wow, we’ve had a little bit of everything here this last week! Thanksgiving myself and the babies were a little under the weather with a cold, but we went along with all of the day’s festivities. We always start the day by watching the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, then we went to his brother’s house for the afternoon. All in…
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